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A family sit reading picture books together
By donating you are giving the gift of early literacy to children in the Tamworth Local Government Area. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to read, learn and succeed.

When you place a book in a child’s hands, you’re not just giving them a story. You’re giving them the power to craft their own adventures and dreams.


Through the Imagination Library, brought to you by United Way Australia in collaboration with Tamworth Regional Council, we deliver this magic right into the homes of our families.


Every month, a new book arrives at the doorstep of a young learner, ensuring

that the journey of learning begins long before school does.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Your support makes all the difference. Let’s continue to transform lives, one page at a time.


A grandmother reads a picture book with her granddaughter

$54 donation provided monthly children's books and caregiver support material for 6 months.


$108 donation provides monthly children's book and caregiver support materials for 12 months.


$324 donation provides monthly children’s books and caregiver support materials for 36 months.


$540 donation provides monthly children's books and caregiver support for 60 months.

Thank you for your generosity.